Enter Group block Code  

2025 Danzantes Unidos Festival


April 11-13, 2025

McLane High School 

and TBA for additionall venues


For Assistance or questions please contact Veronica  M-F

veronica/espinoza@fresnocvb.org or Andrew.Smith@fresnocvb.org

 or SIGN IN (If you have an existing account) OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT

  1. Simply click the Account  button.


1.  Scroll down and select the hotel that best suits your needs.

2.  Click "BOOK NOW".

3. Choose to create an Individual Reservation, and walk through the normal booking process.  You are finished once you submit after entering your billing information.


*This allows you to hold rooms for your group if you are not ready to make reservations yet.*

Group Directors are asked to follow these 3 steps to secure hotel rooms for their team. Please make one block per team. 

  1. 1. Scroll down and select the hotel that best suits your team
  2. 2. Click "BOOK NOW"
  3. 3. Once the Group Director has created the block, an email will be sent to you with the GROUP CODE and unique booking link.  Forward that email to the parents in your group and ask them to book their reservation.  Complete instructions will be included in the email.  Be sure to use the link to book a room for yourself (Group Director).

Group blocks are designed to hold rooms on a courtesy basis to allow families to book their hotel rooms on their own credit cards at the same hotel with the rest of the group.


  1. 1. Hotels do not receive the reservations from this online housing bureau until the date noted in the hotel listing.  (If you call the hotel to “check on your reservation” they will not have record of it until the date noted).
  2. 2. Parents will be able to select their own dates of stay and use their own credit cards to confirm the reservations.
  3. 3. The Group Director can review their rooming list via their Account at anytime.
  4. 4. We have a great working relationship with these hotels and use them on a regular basis.  This relationship ensures they will go the extra mile for you and your team.  If you have a different hotel you would like to work with or need additional rooms, please contact: veronica.espinoza@fresnocvb.org and we will work with you to discuss this further.

Rates shown do not include tax (12% - Fresno, 12% - Clovis, +2.0% Tourism Assessment)




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By Hotel Name :
* Breakfast Business Service Hotel Amenities
Hotel Amenities: In Room Parking Services
Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3:00pm check-out: 12:00pm

Room Rate Available
Two Queen Beds (standard) $135.00 4
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 2:00 pm check-out: 12:00 pm

Distance to Venue(s):
Book Now
Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3:00pm check-out: 11:00am

Room Rate Available
Single King Bed (standard) $139.00 5
King Suite (sofabed) $139.00 5
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 4:00 pm check-out: 11:00 am

Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3:00 PM check-out: 11:00 AM

Room Rate Available
Two Queen Beds (standard) $159.00 10
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

3:00 PM 11:00 AM

Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

Check-in: 3:00 PM Check-out: 12:00 PM

Room Rate Available
Two Queen Beds (standard) $175.00 1
Single King w/ pullout $175.00 10
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3:00pm check-out: 12:00pm

Room Rate Available
Two Queen Beds (standard) $92.00 26
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3pm check-out: 11am

Room Rate Available
Single King Bed (standard) $99.00 5
Two Queen Beds (standard) $99.00 15
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3:00pm check-out: 12:00pm

Room Rate Available
Two Double Beds (standard) $90.00 5
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now

Hotel Thumbnail Image

check-in: 3:00pm check-out: 12:00pm

Room Rate Available
Queen Studio Suite, Queen bed with sofabed, kitchenette $120.00 5
1Bedroom Single Queen with pullout (suite) (sleeps 4) $130.00 5
Distance to Venue(s):

Book Now